LitmusChaosCon 2024 on September 12th! Register now(Free) or submit a talk proposal submit a talk proposal(last date: June 24th)
HaloDoc is a healthcare network platform. HaloDoc connects users to a network of 19,000 licensed doctors, 1,000 certified partner pharmacies through medical delivery service ApotikAntar, and licensed medical laboratory services.
We wanted a tool that we could leverage to test the resiliency of multi k8s cluster workloads in a private cloud, after evaluating different tools of similar flavor, we wanted to exercise our chaos experiments using Litmus, as it has the following benefits.
At Halodoc we use Litmus to validate the resiliency of our private aws managed eks by covering the following areas.
Litmus has a wide variety of chaos experiments for Kubernetes workload and Infrastructure and provides a very easy way for end-to-end automation of resiliency test cases.
Litmus is highly extensible and integrates with other tools to enable the creation of custom experiments. Kubernetes developers & SREs use Litmus to manage chaos in a declarative manner and find weaknesses in their applications and infrastructure.
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